Early days this week, our Northeast seacost and inland towns weathered one of the worst storms in over a hundred years. We were thankfully spared any loss of our home and maintained power. Others up and down the coast, including New York City, New Jersey and many other coastal towns and cities were not so fortunate. The cleanup and restoration of homes, businesses, roads and power will take weeks and months. Our hearts ache for them and our prayers are ongoing.
Being among the very blessed and more fortunate, I spent many long hours, stitching to calm my very anxious heart, as I watched continuous news coverage of the storm's path and the havoc she wreaked on Monday and Tuesday.
Fortunate that we were among the blessed, that our power did not go out, I was able stitch to pass the time, and made some more progress on 'Christmas Garden' (Black Bird Designs),
I managed to finish the first right top section on Monday and started stitching the the top left section on Tuesday.
A pretty varigated snowflake, some little snowflakes and a snowbird....
To brighten up our week, two of our sons sent us some cute pictures of our youngest grandchildren, dressed up for Halloween. Harrison, who is such a cute, happy little boy, was in his glory with all of those stuffed pumpkins. We couldn't believe how he would sit there, happily posing for his picture.
Sweet little Kyleigh, dressed up in her little dinosaur costume, lives in a much warmer climate, so that her picture could be taken outside. We haven't met her in person yet, as they live quite far away, but we enjoy visiting with her on Skype, which is just wonderful.
Well, the afternoon is slipping away, dear friends, and I think that it is about time for my afternoon tea and some stitching time!
It is always such a blessing whenever you visit with me here, and I love to read all of your wonderful comments. Thank you so much!
Blessings in Stitches & Friendship!