I have made some changes in the design, and the recommended threads and colours, to work more to my taste, and hope that it turns out well.
Love these sweet little specialty bands!
Last week we made a little day trip for some more stitching stash. If you are anything like me, I could shop in my own closets, but just couldn't resist these two beautiful designs.
'Autumn Forest Quaker'
Stickideen von der Wiehenburg
I have loved this sweet Victoria Sampler design since it first came out, and was so excited to find it. I chose a 'Watercolours' thread and Sullivan threads instead of the recommended ones.
'Birds of a Feather'
Victoria Sampler
These beautiful lilies bloom along the walk leading to our front porch. Aren't they just radiant? They make me smile.
Where ever you find yourself today, I wish especially for you, that the sun will shine upon your face, and that the dark clouds will have silver linings.
May loved ones and good friends always walk beside you, to add a little joy to every day.
May you find peacefulness and contentment in doing whatever things provide soothing moments for your spirit.
And as I sip my favorite cup of tea, and take those lovely stitches today, I will be thinking of you, and hoping that maybe you are doing the same, wherever you may be.
Our friendship is made all the more special by the bonds of these threads which bind us all together, and I treasure those threads woven into a beautiful tapestry of our shared lives.
Blessings Dear Friends!