I want to thank all of you who have written such kind and thoughtful words of encouragement this past week, as my right foot continues to heal. Believe me, you have really lifted my spirits so much! I wish that I could tell you that I have accomplished a lot more stitching, but honestly, I don't know where the hours in a day go sometimes! I feel so lazy sometimes, as I sit in my recliner with my foot on pillows, reading your stitching blogs, about all of your amazing accomplishing in your work, your families and so many other activities. And you still manage time for stitching too!
Steadily, I worked on the "March Cottage" (Country Cottage Needlework " Monthly Cottage Series"), and finally finished stitching and lacing it so that it could be "popped" into this cute little frame today. My dear husband set up a little stool, so that I could sit on it and take a picture. I love the way it turned out too!