Yesterday afternoon was spent finishing my Primitive Betty's 'Pure and Pleasant' pincushion with some brown satin ruched ribbon trim. It is filled with a combination of crushed walnut shells and lavender. The lavender smells so wonderful, but its' scent was a bit overpowering. I am happy with the results!
Last Friday I had surgery to repair a bunion and two hammer toes.
Ella and our daughter visited to cheer me up, and Ella laid her Boo-Boo Kitty on my sore foot. Too sweet for words.....
Miss Ella decided that an 'Elmo' Get Well balloon was the perfect gift for Grandma, since Elmo is her very favorite Sesame Street character. She loves all of the Sesame Street characters, but carries her own little Elmo everywhere she goes.
As you can imagine, for the first few days after my surgery, I didn't feel much like doing any stitching. Then, on Monday, my needle began calling me, so I pulled out 'March Cottage', and I made a little progress.
Yesterday, I made some more progress, but am not happy with the way the window panes look. They are supposed to be 'straight stitches', but don't lie very flat, so may have to take them out and re-stitch them. We'll see.
Yesterday was our Wednesday Stitching Group. I was a little sad not to be able to join the girls for our usual stitching and gabbing the morning away. I can't wait til I can go again. Maybe in a week or so, I can ask one of my stitching friends to pick me up, with my crutches and a stool on which to rest my sore foot. Stitchers will do just about anything to stitch together! Right?
One more beautifully snow covered fir tree outside of our house. Can you tell that I am one of those crazy ladies who absolutely loves it when it snows? It comes from having grown up in snow country, where I was a total snow bunny all winter long!
Although I am behind on my blog reading, I plan to catch up, as I have plenty of time in my recliner these days. I am so grateful for all of you who visit with me here on my blog, and for the wonderful comments you leave. It means the world to me to know that we are connected with one another through the threads of friendship and stitching.
Blessings to All of You, My Dear Friends!