Contenting myself to pass the days, while my foot heals a while longer, 'Christmas Garden' has begun to look a bit more alive with color.
This is closer to the true color of the linen.
A closer view of my stitching progress thus far...
Such interesting golden stars....
To brighten up our days, our son, Kevin, sent us some wonderful photos of our two little grandsons, Emerson & Harrison, on an excursion to pick out their Halloween pumpkins. Aren't they just adorable?
Our daughter, Carra and Miss Ella popped over for a visit one afternoon, and Ella decided that cupcakes were on the menu, to share with Grandma-ma & Grandpa, after lunch. She had orange frosting all over her face and hands but enjoyed every morsel of that cupcake!
Miss Meggie has been keeping me good company these past weeks, protecting my Boo-Boo foot.... I call her 'My Nana Dog'... What would we ever do without these sweet little furry creatures to light up our lives?
Well, it is almost time to fix lunch, and then a friend is coming over for afternoon tea. It will be so nice to have a good friend to share the afternoon with me.
I hope that your week goes well, and I look forward to reading about what is happening in your part of the world too. Your comments mean so much to me, and I want you to know that I appreciate every one.
Blessings in Stitches & Friendship!