Now our sons have children of their own and are enjoying being fathers too. As you can see, Grandpa is thoroughly enjoying center stage with 2 year old Emery and 4 month old Harrison. Daddy Kevin is a very proud father indeed!
Our oldest son, Ryan, recently became a new father to little Kyleigh, born only a few short weeks ago. This is his very first Father's Day!
"French Square Biscornu"
By ScissorTail Designs
"Barnwood Buttons"
Designed by Karen Kluba
Rose Wood Manor
Picture This Plus
Belfast 32 Ct. Barnwood
Weeks Dye Works "Linen" Floss
So, in between the endless tasks to be done every day, I hope to have a few quiet moments with my needle and thread this week, and we'll see what comes!
Be well, dear friends, and I hope that our paths cross with one another very soon again, one stitch at a time!
Blessings in Stitches and Friendship!