On and off all week, my needles have been working diligently on the next letter of the 'Autumn' bellpull. The second letter "U", has taken shape with some of the rust coloured leaves and little acorns surrounding it.
Sometimes it is difficult to even see the difference between some of the thread colours. I think that I might recommend some overdyed threads for anyone who might like to stitch this banner in future. I will happily pass on the pattern when I am finished with it if someone would like to stitch it.
Now, you may remember that I said that I prefer to only have one or two pieces at a time that I am stitching, but I broke my rule last week! My wonderful friend, Donna, (no blog), decided to embark on a SAL to stitch "Giovanni's Alphabet" by Tempting Tangles Designs.
In May, while attending Celebrations of Needlework, in Nashua, NH, a leaflet of this design was tucked into one of my packages, so I decided to look it up on Tempting Tangles website. It is a re-created design, adapted from a magnificent design by Giovanni Ostaus, published in his book in 1561. If you love samplers, this one is magnificent!
Donna and I started our "long distance SAL" last Sunday night, chatting online as we stitched. We decided that we would sip on our favorite hot tea as we 'stitch in spirit', together. Donna sweetly surprised me with a package of goodies for the occasion.
My Necessaire Floor Stand arrived on Friday last week! I love using it with the Millenium Frame for stitching this wonderful sampler. It is a dream to use, and keeps my linen nice and tight, just the way I like it. I love it!
My progress for the first night of our SAL.
'Dirty Linen' 36 count
Weeks Dye Works Threads
(One Strand Over Two Threads)
Miss Meggie cuddling under her blankie, while I was stitching.
Meggie, last Sunday night, looking longingly upstairs, as the hour grew late....
"Hint, hint, Mommy..... I have my baby and I think that it really is past my bedtime! Are you ever going to turn off your light and put that stitching away?"