"The Price of Freedom" (The Sweetheart Tree) |
"Long May Her Banner Wave....
Let Freedom Ring!"This is one of my favorite patriotic pieces, because it symbolizes the sentiments, I hold so dear, giving thanks for our great and free nation of America! For the many sacrifices, made by those who have gone before us, and for those who continue to fight today, to protect our freedoms, we are eternally grateful.
My prayer for today, as we gather together with family and friends to celebrate our nation's national day of Independence, is that we always cherish the many freedoms we enjoy in America. May we strive to give thanks to God for all of His blessings, and may we always seek to uphold the values held so dear by our forefathers....Faith, Hope, Peace, Love, and Charity for all.
God Bless You Always.
God Bless America!
Materials Used
32 Count Clay Belfast Linen
(Fabric Size: 9x12")
DMC Threads
DMC #12 Pearle Cotton
#001P Balger Silver Cable
Mill Hill Petite Beads
Specialty Stitches
Cross-Stitch, Backstitch, Star Stitch, Tent
Cross Stitch With Surface Weaving, Scotch Stitch
Yesterday, our son, Kevin, wife, Gwen, and our little grandson, Emery (now 18 months),
arrived for a weekend visit!
Emery proudly carrying his own little bag!
Emery enjoys learning to eat his FIRST corn on the cob!
Where ever you are today, I hope that you are enjoying the love of freedom and peace in your lives, the love of family and/or friends, time to treasure your faith in God, with His abundant blessings, hope for the future of our wonderful country, and charity for all people everywhere.
Blessings to You!