"The autumn leaves drift past my window, the autumn leaves of red and gold..." In case you haven't guessed, autumn is one of my very favorite seasons. I love the beautiful changing colours of all the autumn leaves, the crisp, woody, fruited scents that fill the air, and the blessings of God's most bountious harvest. Hence comes my inspiration to stitch a variety of autumn themed needlework over the years. This year is no different!
Mary McLenon-Turley's "Autumn Harvest" Just Cross-Stitch Magazine (Sept./October 2011)
Bringing in Lacy Corn Stalks
Oh, The Glorious Colors of Autumn!
This is a really enjoyable piece to stitch because it features some specialty stitches and some wonderful overdyed threads for a real boost of colour! It can be finished as a framed piece or a needleroll. Watch for further updates to see how I will be finishing this great autumn piece.
This weekend my husband and I took a road trip to visit a new needlework shop, which was fun, and, of course, I came home with some new stash. Just couldn't resist. You know how that goes:) Here are my newest acquisitions.
Of course, my heart's desire is to be able to stitch all of these beauties in time for Christmas. While I realize that is beyond realistic, it will be great fun to fill some special hours with the sheer joy of peacefully stitching whatever I am able to accomplish.
Savoring the sweetness of Advent before Christmas is really my very favorite time of the Christmas Season. For it is in the anticipation of the celebration of the birth of our Precious Savior, that the truest joy on earth can be found.
May you be blessed this week with the many blessings of God that we all share. "For I take joy in doing your will, my God. For your law is written on my heart" (Psalm 40:8)
Until our lives cross one another once again.... Crossing in Stitches & Blessings With You!
"So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the Lilies of the Field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you, that even Solomon in all his glory, was not arrayed like one of these." Matt: 6: 28-29)
Needlework is my one of my greatest passions. I probably own more needlework projects than I can possibly stitch in this lifetime. Needlework helps me to connect with the more peaceful part of myself. My faith is at the center of who I am and in all that inspires me, not only to create, but in the ways in which I connect to each individual person who touches my life every day. This is an unfolding story of my faith, love and joys, as a wife, mother and grandmother, intertwined with the beauty and simplicity found in my needlework.