Some more progress on JB's "Humble Servant Sampler"...
Then, my LNS Wednesday stitching group decided that it would be fun to stitch With Thy Needle & Thread's "Mystery Sampler", and it looked like such fun, that I just had to jump in and get stitching on that too!
Unfortunately, because so many of the girls wanted to stitch it, there were not enough kits to go all around, so I had to wait for another order to come into the shop, and hence, got a bit of a late start. So, I am attempting to catch up!
My Progress Thus Far!
I know that a lot of stitchers everywhere are stitching this project design, but it just seemed like a fun challenge, and the design is really nice. Part II of the Mystery Sampler just arrived in the shop and I have it all ready to go, just as soon as I finish the border. Hope to at least have that all finished by next Wednesday in time for stitching group! Wish me luck!
This Wednesday, my husband, Bruce took off a day from work and we decided to take a little day trip up to Maine and New Hampshire. Believe it or not, even though it was gray and cloudy when we left home, the sun actually was out when we arrived in York, ME!
A beautiful inn above the bay in York, ME.
We had hoped to pop into By The Bay Needleworks for a little visit, but alas, it was closed for the day.
Perhaps another time...
It was just so special to have an entire day to share with my dear husband, who works so hard, six days a week. It probably sounds a little funny to say, but it was just wonderful to be together, driving and talking, stopping in to visit a few shops along the way and having a lovely meal at Lamie's Old Salt Restaurant in North Hampton, NH, on the way home. By the time we were driving home, the rain was pouring down. But all in all, it was a very special time together.
Have a lovely weekend!
With Love & Blessings to You!