Thank you to so many of my dear followers, who left me such sweet blessings and words of appreciation of my Easter banner. Your comments mean so much to me!
Just have to show you Miss Ella's Easter dress, albeit a week later, but isn't it really cute? She wore a pink long sleeved "onesy" underneath it with white tights, and a raspberry sweater. I don't have a picture of her wearing it, because she was too tired for pictures and had to be put in her jammies for bed.....
Isn't this such a sweet little collar, complete with it's beautiful pink cross-stitched roses? I just fell in love with it when I saw it in the store, and knew that it would be perfect for her.
Daughter Carra and Miss Ella in her jammies, wearing a pink plush "bunny earred" hood (too adorable for words), ready to go home after the family dinner.
Last week was a bit of a blur, but I did manage to get some time to myself for some relaxing stitching on a few projects. At long last, I completed my stitching piece, "Deepest Love", as a banner, and I am happy with the way it has turned out. When I was looking for some buttons in my button box, I found three little gold filigreed hearts, which I thought were just perfect to sew below the tabs. What do you think?
Over the weekend, I started working on my "May" Drawn Thread Calendar Cover, and it is really fun to stitch. I love the different stitches that are used in so many of the Drawn Thread pieces. It is always a nice challenge to have pieces with some more interesting stitches to do. The more detailed, the more I enjoy it!
Here is a preview of my progress thus far...
This past Saturday, my husband, Bruce and I took a day trip to "Celebrations of Needlework" in Nashua, New Hampshire. What a royal a huge candy shoppe for stitchers! One of my stitching friends, Linda, from Vermont, drove down to spend the day with us. She and I met at a Stitcher's Hideaway retreat about 6 years ago, and we try to get together at least once a year, either at a stitching event or sometimes we meet in Vermont for a day or two in the summer months. We shopped, had lunch out of the hotel, came back for some more shopping, and before we knew it, our day had come to an end, and it was time to say "Good-Bye" til next time..... Great fun though!

Here is some of my stitching stash collected in the vendor's mall. I was fairly controlled this time, as I have so many unfinished projects calling to me at we stitching addicts all do, right? My favorite little treat was the precious little sheep tape measure (see him in the right upper corner?) He is just too cute!!
Well, time to get off the computer so that I can get in some stitching time before my dear husband gets home and will be needing some dinner! My stitching chair and a cup of tea are calling me!
Crossing in Stitches With You Once Again, Dear Friends!