As my husband and I prepared our Thanksgiving dinner, I kept humming the first line of a favorite hymn, which holds my true feelings of thankfulness for the abundant blessings of God: "Give thanks with a grateful heart....." It is truly, with a very grateful heart, that I am thankful for a very loving God, who blesses us greatly in so many ways, too numerous to count.
Over the past weeks, as I attempted to enjoy some quiet hours working two of my favorite autumn pieces, my arthritis flared up in my right hand, and it was so painful taking any stitches at all. Using a heat pack to warm up my hand, so that I could get some relief, I was able to stitch, but my progress was slow for almost a week. Hence, "Gobble" is only three quarters finished.
As the day draws to a close, the turkey and a wonderful assortment of goodies are put away, it is time to finally rest from the days' events of memories with those so dear to us. And once again, I pause, and "give thanks, Oh Lord, with my whole heart!" (Psalm 138:1)
Blessings to you, dear friends, wherever you are at this moment, and every day hereafter.