If anyone has wondered where I have strayed these past many weeks, it has been a journey on many paths, some leading to joyful things and some with some more difficult pathways to traverse.
Among many of the happy journeys was a wonderful trip to meet our little granddaughter, Kyleigh, who celebrated her FIRST birthday many thousands of miles away, but we were blessed to be there with her and our son and daughter-in law for the celebration!
It was such a joy to spend time with little Kyleigh, who is such a precious child, and is already toddling around the house, happily playing, and loving all of the attention of her two Grandmothers and Grandfathers and all of the realtives who came for her birthday party.
Earlier in the month, I hosted a wonderful class for our Stitching Group with Teresa Lyman, who designs the most unique and beautiful miniature knotted designs. It was an absolutely fabulous day and Teresa is such a very special and gifted designer. We loved having her with us, and are already looking forward to having her come back to teach another class for us.
"The Girls" & Teresa Layman (wearing periwinkle blue shirt)
This is teaching design, Teresa's "Spring Flowers" Scissor Fob Teaching Piece. It has has another lovely flowered design for the back. Isn't it beautiful?
My progress so far. Hope that mine turns out as beautifully as Teresa's!
And just before we left on our trip, we splurged and bought the most magnificent stitching frames in all the world, called the Millenium Frame, made in England.
I am a stickler for having my linen tight and smooth when I do my needlework, and I couldn't find any frame that would make my work the way I like it. Then I saw one of my blog friends, Nicola, demonstrating the Millenium frame on her blog, and decided that I must purchase this frame for myself.
My husband and I purchased both the Necessaire Floor Stand and the Aristo Stand (shown above), and we purchased several sizes of scroll rods so that we could interchange them for different sizes of projects. I absolutely love my new frames!
Progress on "Spring Morning Sampler" by Karen Kluba of Rosewood Manor.
Well, dear friends, I promise to be a better stitchy-bloggy friend and try to catch up with my reading about what all of you have been stitching and doing, in the weeks ahead.
I have been having some very painful problems with my left hip and leg, down to the ankle since our trip. Hence, lots of doctor's visits, medications, and some other treatments in the coming weeks. It has made it much more difficult to sit and stitch for very long, but I keep persevering, as it one of my favorite pasttimes and I just can't stop stitching!!
But, I know the One who hold us during difficult times, and am always thankful in all circumstances...
Blessings Filled With Hugs!