Our Happy Little Grandson, Emerson with Daddy Kevin |
Our son, Kevin, his wife, Gwen, and our 6 month old grandson, Emerson, came for a weekend visit from Pennsylvania over this past weekend. This precious little boy is one of the happiest babies we have ever known. He has the most wonderful disposition and just breaks out into smiles from ear to ear whenever anyone speaks to him. He is a big boy too, and now weighs 17 & 1/2 lbs and is 27 & 1/2 inches long. We think he will be a big boy for sure! It was such a joy having them here. They were headed off to a family vacation home in New Hampshire with Emery's other grandparents for a week of rest and fun on a beautiful lake.
It is those precious moments with our loved ones that rejuvenate and bless us as our live intertwine with one another. Thank heaven for for such precious times as these...
I want to thank so many of you for taking time to read my blog and leave such wonderful and thoughtful, caring comments. How blessed we are that our lives have crossed, and that we share so many common "threads" in this journey of life, with each other.