How incredibly captivating it is to watch the wonder of new life emerging in this beautiful world, created by an amazing and marvelous God!
We have had an exciting week, as we have witnessed the birth of three little baby robins to Mr. and Mrs. Robin, who built their nest, under the branches of a tree, on the corner of our deck! This has been a very blessed event, and we have been thrilled to watch life unfolding day by day.
Day One
Two little baby birds broke forth from their shells!
One little baby robin yet to be born!
Day Three
Three little baby Robins in the nest!
Day Four
Three little hungry mouths!
Day Four
Two little birds wait patiently,
But one little bird says, "Mother, I'm still hungry"! |
Day Five
Mother Robin Chides Us Loudly,
As we try to peak at her growing family!
Day Six
"Mother, we're hungry! Where are you?" |
Day Six
"We want our Mother! Feed us, please!"
These sweet little creatures have given us such joy,
watching them, in amazement, as they have grown
and changed before our very eyes, day by day.
The words of a beautiful hymn came to mind today,
as I thought about how wonderful are all of God's
"All Things Bright and Beautiful"
"All things bright and Beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
the Lord God made them all.
Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colours,
He made their tiny wings."
(An Anglican hymn, written in 1848,
by Mrs. Cecil F. Alexander,
Dublin, Ireland.)
May you find joy in the simple and lovely things
that are all part of our beautiful world.
They are not man made, and cannot
be bought with wealth.
They are the greatest of God's treasures,
and He has blessed us with eyes
to see them, ears to hear their amazing sounds,
the sense of touch to feel them, and
the sense of smell to take in the richness
of so many lovely fragrances.
He has indeed blessed us beyond great measure!
Blessings to you, dear friends! |