With the onset of autumn, it begins to feel like cosy quilt time. From among my own relics, I pulled out a Friendship Quilt, which was started with a wonderful group of friends, in 1987. Can you believe that I had left it unfinished in my quilting box? I am kind of embarassed to say it!
The quilt group selected one pattern for the quilt and each of selected the fabrics of our own choice. Then we would meet about every two weeks and pass our fabric on to a different person in the group, until all of the blocks were assembled, and each of us stitched one for ourselves.
My Quilt Block
A Quilt Corner
Love this pretty leafy quilt design
Isn't this heart design wonderful on the border?
Have any of you stitched the adorable little 'Thimble Purse' designs from With Thy Needle? I have fallen in love with them, and stitched two so far.
'Home Sweet Home' Thimble Purse
'Birds and Berries' Thimble Purse
This is my newest start, 'Birds of a Feather' by The Victoria Sampler, which is a band sampler. It is a delightful design, but oh my, there were so many color changes in those two little birds and flowers! As you can see, I am now stitching 'over one' the title of the sampler. This is going to be a WIP for sure!
Over last weekend, some special friends came for dinner and brought this delicious 'Strawberry Pizza Pie' for dessert! It consists of a sugar cookie crust, a light cream cheese and confectionary sugar filling, topped with thinly sliced strawberries and glaze. Melts in your mouth!
Miss Meggie was sitting on the landing, with her Teddy Bear, barking at the squirrels she could see out the window. Such a cutie pie!
It is always wonderful sharing a little piece of my world with all of you, my very dear friends. Thank you for all of your wonderful comments. I love hearing from every one of you!
May peace and love surround you where ever you may be, and may the sun shine down warmly upon your face and bring a smile to your face.
Blessings in Stitches & Friendship!