This lovely verse of prose was sent to me in a recent email, and it touched and warmed my heart, and so I wanted to share it with you.
"There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore, and who always will.
So don't worry about people from your past.
There is a reason why they didn't make it to your future."
The most special people in your life are those who are meant to be in it, for they are the truest and most noble of all people. (Kathy)
A New Year always gives me a new outlook and feeling of a time of renewal. All things are past away in the last year, amidst some beautiful memories, to be cherished in my heart. Now is the time for starting things anew.
Over New Year's weekend, I started the Country Cottage Needleworks "Winter Wonderland Series". It is cute and stitches up quickly, but I came down with the stomach virus last Sunday morning, so had to set my project aside for a few days of recovery.
Last night I made a little more progress, but discovered that the kit didn't have enough of the blue silk to complete the ribbon on top of the box, so had to contact Crescent Colours and they were kind enough to say they will send me another piece to complete the design. How nice!
Already, I am planning my next needlework project. It is a very special project from LHN called "Exodus 20:16", which Bruce gave to me for Christmas, along with the Vintage 28 count Light Examplar linen (Lakeside Linens) and beautiful fibers to go with it. I just love the rich colours and can't wait to start it!!
Meggie, our "pampered pooch" decided last night that she was cold and perched herself on top of a pillow with Bruce's Red Sox fleece blanket. She looked so the "Princess & the Pea" , sitting like a little princess atop the blanket and pillow!
For today, I leave you with these thoughts: Keep a song in your heart and a dance in your spirit!