Although we may not know one another personally, and there may be many miles and even continents that separate us, I want for you to know that you are always in my thoughts. I feel so blessed to be connected to each one of you, by the 'threads' that have connected our lives to one another. Although, sometimes, many days may slip away, in between, I am always so grateful that you are never far away, and that you are always there when I reach out for you through sharing, once again, our love of needlework and parts of our lives, that has made us friends. Thank you!
My needle has been busy, but stitching progress a bit slower than I wish sometimes. The days just fleet away.... .
I have thoroughly enjoyed stitching this sweet 'May Wordplay' door pillow, created by With Thy Needle and Thread. I decided to finish it with a little lace hanger, attached with some old buttons.
I especially loved stitching the purple irises and little potted geraniums. Aren't they sweet?
Although my photography is a little lacking, I think that this wheelbarrow with two robins perched on top of the soil, are just adorable.
This design is called "French Square", by ScissorTail Designs, which will be finished as a biscornu, when I finish stitching the design. Wish me LUCK, as this will be my very FIRST EVER attempt at stitching a biscornu! I have been wanting to make one for a long time, so now is the time, I guess!
This intriguing little piece of needlework, is part of my current needlework project, 'Barnwood Buttons' designed by Karen Kluba of Redwood Manor. It is stitched on beautiful, 'Picture This Plus' Belfast 32 count 'Barnwood' linen, using Weeks Dye Works 'Linen' thread. As I typically stitch from left to right, using a portable frame, this stitched part is at the end of the design, in case it looks a little curious at this point:) Ho- Hummmmmm......
Although Mother's Day is now a sweet memory of the past for this year, I wanted to share with you, this photograph of my beautiful 83 year old Mother, taken last Sunday, on Mother's Day.
My Mother's ageless beauty is complimented by her gentle and sweet spirit, always so gracious and loving, a Mother who has aged with grace and dignity. My Mother....I love her so much!
As a new week begins, may you be blessed with a lovely week ahead, strength to persevere the challenges ahead, and joy in your hearts to inspire you along the way.
Blessings in Stitches & Friendship!