When I was a little girl, I remember my father telling us that we had to make sure that we made every day count for something special, and to always remember to tell those we loved and cared about, that we "loved them" or "you are so special to me". For we never know, when we part, and say "good-bye", that it might just be the last time... Life is too short for regrets, so let's make sure, as a tribute to Lisa's memory, that we will try to remember, that when we part from those special people who touch our lives, to give them a hug, or just tell them how special it is, just to be with them.
"Miss Ella's" Corn Muffins & Dolly Teaset
It truly brings me back to the wonderful times that I recall spending time with my own young children, teaching them to bake cookies, muffins and other goodies. My daughter was always a willing participant from the time she was big enough to stand on a chair next to me at the counter, helping to measure, pour and stir whatever we were making. My three boys also loved to bake. In fact, our oldest son, Ryan, became an expert at baking chocolate chip cookies. When he was a teenager, his church youth group was holding a "silent auction" to raise money for a summer mission trip, and Ryan decided to donate a batch of his "homemade chocolate cookies". He was so thrilled when someone bid $15.00 for them, and then raved about how delicious they were!
Well, on to what has been going on in the "stitching department" this week. My friend, Ellen, came over for lunch and stitching, but we gabbed so much that we didn't get to use my sewing machine, so I still need to finish a few needlework pieces. But we did enjoy some wonderful time being together, just relaxing and cross-stitching, over cups of tea and some delicious homemade cranberry, white chocolate chip cookies that Ellen had made. Yummmm!
Better late than never, but I finished stitching the February "Drawn Thread" calendar cover, and will be putting it together soon with a lovely lining fabric...
I also decided to look into my box of unfinished pieced, and pulled out a Jane Austen WIP, that I started to stitch a few years ago, and never finished. The design was printed in one of The Gift of Stitching issues, and I just love the sweet verse and lovely colors. I have the perfect backing fabric, and will be finishing it as a bell pull.
My "Ort" jar is filling up, as I work on my Jane Austen Piece, and I have started another design, called "Sugar and Spice" (Sue Hillis Design), which will be for our granddaughter, Ella.
I want to stitch something special for our little grandson, Emerson, but the theme of his nursery is all Muppets, and I haven't been able to find a cute Muppet design. If anyone knows of one, I would love it if you would post me a message.
Hope that your weekend has some special moments just for you! Life is just way too short not to spend some quality time with the people we love and care about, but amidst the busyness, we need to take time to rejuvenate ourselves, and what could be better than cozying up with your favorite stitching project?
Crossing In Friendship & Stitches Once Again With You!