My attention is drawn to these "autumn" colors, especially as the long days of summer officially ended yesterday, and now that we have started to notice that some of our trees are beginning to show their early changes of color. The days are getting a little shorter, and the evening hours seem to come upon us a little earlier every night. My favorite color palette has always been those among the "autumn" hues. From early childhood, I was always drawn to shades of gold, olive, brown, orange, teal. My mother used to shudder when I would choose those colors, but I love them!
Yesterday I saw my throat surgeon and received a good report that everything is healing well...still a little way to go, but that is ok. The "not so good news" is that I will never recover any "normal" voice again, and that it my new voice is only a "whisper". At least I am blessed with that, and for it I am grateful. My husband can now truly say that he doesn't have to worry that his wife will ever yell at him again! Not that I have ever really yelled at him....he is a pretty wonderful guy and we have a very special relationship...another great blessing!
This happy grandma had the inexplicable joy of getting in some more hugs from our baby granddaughter, Ella this week, who is more beautiful everytime I see her. She will be 6 months old on September 29th. These little ones grow when we aren't looking!
Well, I am off to do a little stitching and enjoy a new Netflix series, called "Lark Rise to Candleford", made in 2008. The story takes place in late 19th century England, and was a BBC series. It kind of reminds me of Masterpiece Theatre's "Cranford" which aired several episodes this year and in 2009. I am drawn to this type of Victorian drama...similar to Jane Austen stories.