My "Stitching Nest", has been my favorite resting and recovery "nest" , post surgery last Friday. It is so amazing to me, how my "stitching addiction" overtakes the spirit, even when the body has little strength for much of anything else but rest. Most days, I have had little strength for much of anything but rest, but my needlework rested on my lap! My husband chuckled, seeing me fast asleep with my needle in my hand! The "needle magic" is slowing returning to my eager fingers! Funny, but there is this overwhelming desire to hold my needle and feel some of those creative juices flowing again. It is very soothing and healing.
Here is some of my recent progress on "Sugar & Spice" (Sue Hillis Design). The color changes to create just the right shading, is a bit maddening, to say the least. I find it a bit frustrating when there are so many shades of pink or creams that it is difficult to tell them apart sometimes, but it is the overall effect that is most important after all.
Wish that I had more progress to show you, but hopefully this next week will bring some more "magic" back to my needles again!
While looking through one of my favorite devotional books this week, I found this lovely piece about Serenity, which spoke to me, and perhaps it will to you as well.
SERVICE: Go outside of yourself to derive the satisfaction of helping others.
ETHICS: Be truthful in all of your doings.
RECONCILIATION: Ask for forgiveness & make peace with those you've hurt.
ENTHUSIASM: In all things, large or small, find the pure joy!
NO: Did you know that "NO" is a complete sentence? Don't feel guility about using it to allow time for your own needs.
IMAGINATION: Have vision. Find a "pasion project", and get to work on it!
TOGETHERNESS: Don't try to do "everything" yourself! Accept help & lend a hand to others.
YOU: Take care of yourself. Remember that you are very precious in the eyes of God.
Bless you in the days ahead! Crossing in Stitches & Friendship With You!