As I sat in the sewing group, at my LNS, this morning, and listened to some of the ladies talking about having already put up their Christmas trees, I realized that I need to get myself going and get out the Christmas boxes! It just seems like we are barely past Thanksgiving and before we can blink an eye, Christmas is upon us. Can't we just savor these special times a little longer, I wonder?
The first item to be put out, although a few days late, is always our Advent Wreath with its' candles. Growing up in my family, Advent was always my favorite part of the Christmas season. Each night after supper, as we all sat around the dinner table, my parents would dim the lights and my mother would read the daily scripture lesson, and then we would all joinin singing a Christmas hymn or two. We carried on this tradition with our children as they grew up, and now my husband, Bruce and I still continue it together in our "empty nest". On Christmas Eve, with our grown and married children, everyone all looks forward to the special time of lighting the candles, and reading aloud the scripture for Christmas Eve. It is now quite a chorus of voices when we all sing some of our favorite Christmas hymns together, but it is such a special time that we will always cherish in our hearts.
Here are a few previews of some of the Christmas ornaments I have been stitching, although they are not finished yet. Some of them will be gifts for my daughter and my daughters in law, who, as I mentioned in my last post, put little "sticky post-its" on the pages of my 2009 and 2010 Just Cross-Stitch Ornaments issues! "Hint-hint", they said with sweet grins on their faces. Here are two previews that are ready for finishing. At least one ornament will be for our tree, and I am almost finished stitching it. Hopefully, I will be able to show you a few finished ornaments with my next posting.
"Stitcher's Joy" (Prairie Moon) |
"Windows of Faith, Hope, and Peace" (Primrose Needleworks) |