A few more lovelies 'grew' in 'Christmas Garden' this past week.
Just love those two sweet reindeer!
My dear friend, Janet and I decided that it would be fun to stitch 'Quaker Christmas II' together, even though we are getting a bit of a late start. We thought that it would be fun to get together for some special stitching days, and we'll 'sing' Christmas carols, as we stitch our way through this beautiful sampler!
This is my progress so far. I have been having a bit of a challenge, trying to decide if I prefer to stitch using my preferred scroll rods or a large hoop. I have swapped off twice on both, and today decided that I don't like all of the marks left by the hoop, so am going to try the scroll rods again.
Love these beautiful motifs!
Knowing how much I adore 'everything tea', Janet sent me this lovely card this week, which just happens to match one of my favorite teapots!
Two and a half year old Emerson,
literally having a glorious time!
Then, lo and behold, our Christmas Cactus decided to bloom!
Isn't she just beautiful in all of her splendor?
If only this beauty would bloom again for Christmas!
On this beautiful autumn afternoon, thinking of so many things in our lives for which to be thankful, this favorite verse came to mind....
"Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." (Philippians 4:8)
It is always my joy and pleasure to share with all of you dear friends. I want you to know that my life continues to be blessed for knowing each one of you and for our lives 'crossing' with each other!
Blessings in Stitches & Friendship!