This sweet little bear reminds me of the way I feel lately....not all bandaged up, but a little out of sorts, as I have been experiencing a lot of pain in my left hip and leg for about 6 weeks now. After a lot of tests, I had an epidural steroid injection last week, but the effect was not successful, so I will have a second one on July 9th. I am praying for it to relieve some of the pain, as it is interfering with my ability to sit comfortably for very long! Imagine my distress of not being able to stitch very much every day!!!
Anyway, I have persevered with brief periods each day, and managed to make a little progress on 'Spring Morning' and 'Quaker Christmas II'.
"Spring Morning Sampler" by Rosewood Manor
Each evening I try to stitch a little more on these beautiful motifs. With a some perseverence, just maybe I will finish this wonderful sampler in time for Christmas!
Last Saturday afternoon, a new animal hospital, right across the street from our neighborhood had an Open House. Since 3 of our grandchildren were visiting for the afternoon, our daughter decided to walk with Ella and Emerson in her double stroller to it. Bruce drove me and baby Harrison. Each one of the children took their stuffed doggies for the occasion.
Miss Ella with Clifford the Big Red Dog & Ernie.
Emerson with a toy poodle.
The 3 doggies having a pretend xray!
The grandchildren thought that this was wonderful. There were so many people, children and little pets on leashes all over the building, and Ella, Emerson and Harrison loved it.
Blessings to all of you, my very dear friends. Thank you for always keeping in touch with your very special comments. I love every one of them, and treasure the friendships that we have kindled with one another.
Have a lovely & blessed day!