I did manage to finish the stitching on 'Barnwood Buttons' the other night, and now am ready to sew on the adorable button flowers.
Here is a sneek preview!
Love this very lacey flower, but it was a bit of a challenge doing the backstitching!
Before sewing on the Barnwood Buttons, I decided that I really must start stitching on Miss Kyleigh's birth sampler. It is a small piece, so hopefully it will stitch up quickly, but it does have some specialty stitches in it.
My goodness, where has this week gone so quickly? It was a busy but very happy kind of week, starting off last Monday with a wonderful trip to Mrs. Bridges Pantry in South Woodstock, Connecticut, for a lovely teatime luncheon with the girls from our stitching group.
Waiting for our tea before luncheon. Don't you love the sterling silver sugar cube dish, and those adorable little teapot salt and pepper shakers?
A little corner table for two.
A sweet little spinach quiche and salad.
To finish off a perfectly lovely day, my friend, Janet took us to visit Whispering Hill Farm, www.whispering-hill.com in South Woodstock, where owner, Donna Swanson, took us on a tour of her home to view her gorgeous hooked rugs.
Donna teaches rug hooking classes in her wonderful antique farm house, which is filled with an array beautiful hooked rugs and antiques. It felt like we were walking through a museum! Here are just a few of my favorite rugs.
The floral design atop the sewing stand.
Several of my stitching friends, who attend Donna's 'Hook-Ins' are encouraging me to join them to learn how to rug hook. I am contemplating doing a small project to see if I will be 'hooked'!
Well, all for now dear friends. One of our sons, his wife and our little grandsons are supposed to be stopping in shortly, enroute from a week long vacation up north at the other grandparents' summer home. They will spend the night here before driving the long distance home tomorrow.
Have a very lovely weekend and may you have some special time just for you too, doing whatever makes you the happiest and content.
Blessings in Stitches & Friendship!