It seems forever since I have been able to take some time to update my blog about what has been going on in "our neck of the woods". Actually, we had a pretty dusting of snow on the ground when we awoke this pretty, and just the perfect setting with the woods in the background for Christmas!
Well, my husband, Bruce celebrated another birthday, and our daughter, Carra, with baby Ella, and our youngest son, Nathan, were with us to join in the festivities. Ella was absolutely fascinated as everyone helped "Grandpa Bruce" blow out his birthday candles. Carra, who loves to make and decorate cakes, made a very special cake for the occasion.
A few days ago, we went to our favorite family owned Christmas Tree location and picked out a beautiful tree. I always love the very full, "fat" trees, and this year we found a really beautiful one that looks lovely in the corner of our living room. So far, we have little white lights and pearl beaded garland on it, and this weekend we hope to find some time to put ornaments on it too. We have my husband's work Christmas party tonight to attend, and are invited to the home of friends for dinner tomorrow. Oh how the hours of every day fill up, don't they?
Carra and Ella came for a visit on the other day, and Ella was fascinated by the Christmas tree and wanted to touch the branches. Her eyes were wide with wonder. She was wearing a cute little fleece "cow" patterned jumpsuit, and looked adorable.
We are looking forward to celebrating this Christmas with our two little grandbabies, Ella and Emery. It is always so much fun watching their adorable little faces light up with excitement as they each discover each new experience. Aren't babies just wonderful?
It has taken more energy for me this year to get out my Christmas decorations, but not too surprising after all of the medical issues going this year, but I am determined to do my best! I especially love the weeks of Advent leading up to Christmas, which has always been my most favorite part of Christmas. This year I completed a special piece that I call my
"Advent Calendar Blocks", (although it is really called "Country Christmas Blocks", designed by Linda Meyers. I changed some of the blocks to personalize it for myself. The original pattern is featured on the cover of The Stitchery Magazine (Holiday 2010) issue. I loved stitching each block....they were so much fun to stitch!
More news to come soon! Hope your days are filled with happiness, joy, peace and contentment as we anticipate the celebration of our precious Savior's birth.