It always strikes me, as Valentine's Day approaches,
that "Love" should be celebrated everyday of the year.
For it is, after all,
The Greatest Gift of All!
"Love Suffers long and is kind;
Love does not envy;
Love does not parade itself about,
it is not puffed up;
does not behave rudely
does not seek its' own;
is not provoked, thinks no evil;
does not rejoice in iniquity,
but rejoices in the truth.
Love bears all things, believes all things,
Hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails."
(I Corinthians 13:4-8)
My own needlework creations,
in celebration of "LOVE"
Patricia Ann Designs
2011 Just Cross-Stitch Ornament Issue
28 Count Antique White Cashel Linen
Krenik Fine Braid #8
DMC Threads
Mill Hill Red Seed Beads
I love the beautifully muted roses of this fabric
that I used for the back of the ornament.
Stitched for my sister-in-law, Marsha,
who adores "HEARTS".
She displays them all around her house year round.
Happy Valentine's Day, Marsha!
Most of my stitching endeavors these past weeks have
included hearts in the designs.
BBD "Small Token Reward of Merit Pincushion"
Stitched on 32 Count Vintage Sand Dune Linen
Worked with Crescent Colours Threads
Finished with a small scissor's pocket on the back.
I had been pondering for a few days about how
I wanted to finish this pincushion.
I am so pleased with the way it has turned out!
And now, for some of our own "Little Loves".....
Miss Ella with Baby and Teddy All Wearing Diapers!
Harrison @ 1 Month Old
Smiling for Daddy!
Emerson Playing Cowboy
in his Play Fort
Big Brother, Emerson Gives Baby Harrison a Kiss!
How Adorable!
"And now abide faith, hope, love, these three.
But the greatest of these is
(I Corinthians 13: 13)
May you be blessed with love always!