( Princess Diana)
For, it is in the doing for others that we reap our greatest rewards in life. To see the smile on the face of another because we have lent a hand up, or given a few words of random kindess, can change a life. We must never underestimate what a few moments of caring and sharing can mean to another human being, in need of, who will never be able to repay you, but because you will have made a difference in someone's life, just for doing a random act of kindness that day.
All too soon, those special moments with those we love are fleeting memories, but memories to cherish for a lifetime. This past weekend, we visited with my parents, who live a few hours from here, but with whom we have not been able to visit for a while, due to snowstorms and viruses. Our little granddaughter, Ella, and daughter, Carra were able to accompany us for a day of great fun together. My sister, Nancy, and my nephew, Brendan, also surprised us with a visit!
Great Grandma with Baby Ella |
Ella, Wearing Her "Princess Hat" Plays "Patty-Cake" |
Although Meggie was very cooperative, allowing herself to be dressed in this fussy little coat, she isn't too sure about whether or not she is excited about wearing it!
This snazzy little outfit even comes with "leg warmers", which are to arrive in the mail any day. Now, that should be interesting......! We'll see how Meggie likes wearing them too!~
I hope that you have enjoyed reading my "random thoughts" for today, and seeing some of the newest photos of some of the special people in our lives, including precious little pooch too!
Crossing in Stitches & Friendship With You Once Again!